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2014-09-18 15:57:00 来源: 互联网
大家好我叫王婷婷,今年23岁.我毕业于吉林工商学院,我的专业是粮食工程.我家是长春市的.我非常荣幸能来这里.我非常喜欢服务行业,平时经常去一些餐厅打工.我的上一份工作是在银行做前台接待,可以说我有很丰富的经验.我认为接待工作最需要的就是细心加耐心加责任心.我是一个肯学肯干的人.希望能与大家成为朋友,共同为咱们单努力工作 tomorrow i'm going to interview a three-star hotel. easy on the line a little hello my name is ting-ting, 23 years old this year. i graduated from the jilin institute of business and technology, my specialty is food engineering. are my home city of changchun. i am very honored to be here. i very much enjoy the service sector, normally a number of restaurant workers go. my previous job prospects are in the bank to do the reception, you can say that i have very rich experience. in my opinion the most necessary job reception is carefully increase patient responsibility increases. i am a person who is willing to work hard study. would like to work with u.s. become friends, and work together for our hard work alone   1:开门见山,简明扼要,不要超过三分钟。   2:实事求是,不可吹得天花乱坠。   3:突出长处,但也不隐瞒短处。   4:所突出的长处要与申请的职位有关。   5:善于用具体生动的实例来证明自己,说明问题,不要泛泛而谈。   6:说完之后,要问考官还想知道关于自己的什么事情。   为了表达更流畅,面试前应做些准备。而且由于主考喜好不同,要求自我介绍的时间不等。所以最明智的做法应是准备一分钟、三分钟、五分钟的介绍稿,以便面试时随时调整。   一分钟自我介绍以基本情况为主,包括姓名、学历、专业、家庭状况等,注意表述清晰;三分钟的介绍除了基本情况之外,还可加上工作动机、主要优点缺点等;五分钟求职自我介绍,还可以谈谈自己的人生观,说些生活趣事,举例说明自己的优点等。